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/What the Uses of Centrifuge Tubes?
What the Uses of Centrifuge Tubes?
October 10, 2022

What the Uses of Centrifuge Tubes?

Centrifuge tubes differ from regular test tubes and are explicitly for centrifugation. Centrifugation is when you spin liquids at high speeds to separate their components. Centrifuge tubes are essential to this process.

But what goes into purchasing centrifuge tubes? Is it as simple as choosing sterile tubes and going on about your day? There are various considerations to account for when purchasing centrifuge tubes.

For example, you can choose glass or plastic centrifuge tubes. In this article, youll learn more about the different kinds of centrifuge tubes and what you should consider before purchasing them.

Uses of Centrifuge Tubes

Centrifuge tubes are used to separate a substance into its components. Below are a few examples of fields that use centrifuge tubes.

Instrument Longevity

Certain laboratory instruments are sensitive to contaminants. Mass spectrometers and high-pressure chromatography units may become clogged by extraneous materials that find their way into these machines.

These instruments work by injecting small samples of material through columns. Next, the analytes are separated from the samples, which are then studied via specialized software.

Centrifuge tubes are important to prevent laboratory instruments from being clogged. The idea is to use these tubes to keep analytes separate from any potential substances that could interfere with test samples.

Medical Samples

Bloodwork is probably what comes to mind when discussing centrifuge tubes. Centrifugation separates organelles from blood cells as the latter sinks. Centrifugation also enables DNA and RNA extraction from cells.


Sample Processing

Sometimes, a contaminant can find its way inside a sample that needs analyzing. The goal of sample processing is to remove that contaminant so the sample can be properly studied. This is where centrifugation is key.

The centrifugal process separates the sample from the contaminant which leaves a viable specimen to study. To further separate the two substances, the analyst may remove the liquid sample from the tube with a pipette.

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